Saturday, February 25, 2012

Missing Information from Database

I have a serious problem with either SQL Server or SQL Reporting Services. I have 7 tables in a database that are relational. I have created serveral reports against this database. Last week when I pulled one of the reports, I was missing information on one of the cells. The reason why I know this is because my boss has us verify the report against the database. That took about an hour to complete. When we found that the report was not correct I repulled the report and the cell that was empty, was now populated. What gives? This is the same report I have pulled for the last month and had no problems until now. Is there a time issue involved between the last update to the database to the time I pull the report? Or maybe there is something wrong with the query?

SELECT Lease.[Lease #], MineralContacts.[Mineral Owner First Name], MineralContacts.[Mineral Owner Last Name], Tract.County, Tract.[Tract Number],
Tract.[Tract Description], Tract.Section, Tract.Block, Tract.Survey, Tract.Abstract, Lease.[Lease Date], Tract.[Title Check Though], Tract.[2ndTitleReview],
Tract.[2nd R/S Complete], Tract.[Title Agent], Tract.[Tract Gross Acres], SubTract.[Tract Net Acres], Draft.[Draft Status], Draft.[Draft Due Date],
Draft.[Draft Amount], Draft.[Draft #], Draft.[ANB Invoice #], Draft.[Lse File Sent to CP], Draft.[Money Wired from CP to EA],
Draft.[STA Approved Draft for pmt], Draft.[STA Recommend to Return Daft], Draft.[KE Advised ANB to Pay Draft], Draft.[KE Advised ANB to Return Draft],
Draft.[Paid Draft Recd], SubTract.Comments, SubTract.Hide
SubTract ON Tract.TractID = SubTract.TractID INNER JOIN
Mineral ON SubTract.SubTractID = Mineral.SubTractID INNER JOIN
Lease ON Mineral.MineralID = Lease.MineralID INNER JOIN
Draft ON Lease.LeaseID = Draft.LeaseID INNER JOIN
MineralContacts ON Mineral.MineralID = MineralContacts.MineralID
WHERE (Draft.[Draft Status] IS NOT NULL) AND (Draft.[Draft Due Date] IS NOT NULL)

Anyone have an answer?

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