Saturday, February 25, 2012

Missing Labels in Chart

I have a line chart that has several series, and it routinely leaves off 1 or 2 point labels on the last X-axis.

Is anyone else experiencing this? If so, does anyone know what the cause is, and is there a fix?



There is a setting in the X-Axis tab for major and minor interval. Try setting one of them to 1.|||

They are both set to 1 and still no labels.



I am missing point labels (on bar charts) too, seems to happen when there are an odd number of instances of a grouping on the x axis. It is always the last bar that is missing the point label too.

Is this a bug in SSRS, or a misunderstanding on my part?


One way around this is to turn on margins on the x-axis.

-- Robert

|||Thanks, that works OK now.....

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