Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Model Database Status is 1073741824

After upgrade SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2000, the model database status bec
omes 1073741824. What does it mean? I can create a new database in this stat
us. How do I change it?
Walter> After upgrade SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2000, the model database status
becomes 1073741824. What does it mean?
From the SQL Server 2000 Books Online
<herf="tsqlref.chm::/ts_sys-d_5xrn.htm">, 1073741824 = cleanly shutdown.

> I can create a new database in this status. How do I change it?
I don't understand this part of your question. Please elaborate.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Walter" <> wrote in message
> After upgrade SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2000, the model database status
becomes 1073741824. What does it mean? I can create a new database in this
status. How do I change it?
> Thanks
> Walter|||After upgrade SQL Server from 7 to 2000, the server looks fine and I can cre
ate new database. However,the model database status is 1073741824 (cleanly s
hutdown) (before update SQL Server, the status is 0). It is a problem? Can I
say the upgrade is success
ful? Can I change the status and how to do?
"Dan Guzman" wrote:

> becomes 1073741824. What does it mean?
> From the SQL Server 2000 Books Online
> <herf="tsqlref.chm::/ts_sys-d_5xrn.htm">, 1073741824 = cleanly shutdown.
> I don't understand this part of your question. Please elaborate.
> --
> Hope this helps.
> Dan Guzman
> SQL Server MVP
> "Walter" <> wrote in message
> becomes 1073741824. What does it mean? I can create a new database in this
> status. How do I change it?
>|||Yes, this is a normal status for the model database. My test server, a new
SQL 2000 install, has status 1073741824.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Walter" <> wrote in message
> After upgrade SQL Server from 7 to 2000, the server looks fine and I can
create new database. However,the model database status is 1073741824
(cleanly shutdown) (before update SQL Server, the status is 0). It is a
problem? Can I say the upgrade is successful? Can I change the status and
how to do?[vbcol=seagreen]
> "Dan Guzman" wrote:

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