Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Missing records in report

Hey, I don't know if anyone here will be able to help with this, but I don't want to have to spend money on a "support call" if I don't have to.

Anyhow, I am using reporting services to create letters for new customers. I am basing who gets a letter off of a status field associated with each record, and which location that customer is at. Here's where the problem lies: Every other day, each of the managers at each of the location will have a new customer "go missing". What I mean by "go missing" is that it will appear in the "data" section of the report designer, and using query analyzer it will come up in the results, also. But, it will not print out in the report! I cannot find anything wrong with the record, and, as I said, it shows up in the dataset, but just not when I go to view the report. Does anyone know if this is a version issue (ie, is there a patch or SP out to fix this), or if it's just a programmers error? Any information would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks!do you have any filters against the recordset ? technically you should be able to see the same resultset you get in data tab and preview sections.|||I have some filtering in the SQL statement that I built for the recordset, but I do not have any other filters. I know that technically I should be able to see the same resultset in the data and in the preview, but it does not. Every once in a while, it skips a record. There really is no set reason for the record not to appear, it just does not all of them all of the time. It seems like it doesn't want to parse a random record when it makes the report.|||Well. Are u doing some grouping in thr report. Check it out thoroghly.

Cannot guess but it could be the case to grpup the records in to one if you have same type of rows exist...|||I have never seen recrods just go dropping out, and I have authored 100+ SRS reports. So I agree that it is probably a) some kind of grouping issue, or b) some kind if issue with the sql string you are building. I'd check both carefully.|||Thanks everyone for replying. Anyhow, to answer some of the questions, I am not using grouping, other than that there is a page for each record. The SQL statement is very straightforward, nothing special, though I do have a few joins and one or two case statements, but nothing outlandish. I do a IsNull on all of the fields that might have null values in them so that this isn't a dbnull issue...|||Well it could be joining problem with in tables. I think there is no problem with reports services. You should better check out the joins. If you are using inner joins it may cuase of dropping soemrecords.

If the record is null may be it hide the whole record. What all other thinks about that
???|||Hmmm..... Well, I don't think it's the joins, as the record shows up in the data tab of the report designer. But, it could very well be that I am not doing IsNulls on every field...... I had thought that I had done that, but I realized there are a few that I didn't do. I'll check that and see if it works...|||Ok, so that all of you don't think that I am insane or anything, I have made some screenshots of what's happening.


If this forum doesn't allow links to show up, just copy and paste. The first one is the data view. In this screenshot, you will see a number that is highlighted, 24339. It is before 24343 and after 24337. The second is the 9th record (of 21) (24337) and the third is the 10th record (24343) as they show up in the report. I blurred out the personally identifiable information to protect the customers who show up. As I understand it, if they show up in the data block, they should show up in the report. If you notice the query at the top of "issue1.jpg", there are no nulls coming through at all (SerialNumber will never be null.). Please let me know if you've seen something like this before!!!|||Holy crap I feel retarded.....

Turns out that I didn't understand the "detail/header/footer" concept in Reporting services as well as i had thought that I did...... I had inserted the design work into the footer, and for some reason it was condesing a few of the records.....

I moved the design up into the detail portion and the records come through fine. Thanks for all of the help, everyone....|||yes there are a lot of issues with the footer/body/header sections..we cant use tables in header/footer we cant use dataset fields in the header/fotoer..etc.. RS is not a full fledged reporting product. ..still plenty of work needs to be done.

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