Using the following update command I get the following message
UPDATE Last, First, [Card Number], [Phone Number], IDKey
FROM dbo.LibUserS
Missing SET keyword.
Unable to parse query text.
incorrect syntax near ','
thats correct. The update statement requires the fields to update as well as on which record you want to update. Example:
UPDATE [TableName]
SET [FieldName] = someNewValue
WHERE [fieldName] = SomeValue
UPDATE [dbo.LibUserS]
SET Last = @.p1,
SET First = @.p2,
SET [Card Number] = @.p3,
SET [Phone Number] = @.p4
WHERE IDKey = @.IDValue
the @.parameter is the parameter you supply in the query on the command object (OleDbCommand or SqlCommand, whichever database connection/driver you are using) so it can take those values and replace them with the @.parameter "placeholder" if you like.
|||Helped, perfect, Thanks!
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